Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wii for $150 at Walmart! (December 5th–12th)

As reported by

Sad that you missed all the Black Friday sales? Walmart wants to take advantage of that feeling of being left out, with a series of December sales and price drops. The most exciting offer: for one week (from December 5 -12), every Wii will come with a $50 gift card, effectively dropping the price to a ridiculous $150.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Red Dead Redemption, Much Improved Graphics

Still working on my full video blog.  The wife has me working on decorating the house for Christmas.  So hopefully I can get something done with it soon.

But in the mean time, I just saw that Rockstar Released a new trailer for Red Dead Redemption and I had to share it.  The game looks like it’s coming along very nicely and the textures are looking a lot more detailed that the trailer they showed previously.  This is definitely one of the best looking games I’ve seen in a while. 

The environments are beautiful, they show majestic looking snowy mountains and lush pine trees.  Not just barren deserts and open plains.  The voice acting and expressions are great.  They also showed you using a variety of weapons like Gatling Guns, cannons and explosives with the old Wile E. Coyote detonators.  I can’t wait to pick this game up in April 2010.

Just the Drift

Not a full blown video blog.  Just one of my short checking in posts.  I will be calling these posts “Just the Drift” for now.  I need a better title though.  In the future these may be my off-topic posts or whatever comes to mind.  Also, I posted this with my cell phone to try out the video camera on it.