Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Drift

I don't usually get video games from my wife and family for Christmas. My wife usually likes to get me more practical things. Although she did get me one of those round dorm chairs for sitting and playing games. My good friend Dwrecker, though, was kind enough to pick up Skyrim for me. This game has quickly become a huge addiction for me.

To me, Skyrim is a lot like World of Warcraft used to be to me. I find myself doing a lot of crafting and loot whoring. Sure I can't show my loot off to anyone in-game, but I'm still having a hell of a good time.

This Christmas we went down to the in-laws house and I purposely didn't take my PS3, so that I could giveyself a break. Skyrim is just that damn good. I also haven't had as many technical issues as a lot of other people do.

Anyhow, if you haven't already, pick up Skyrim for yourself or a friend today.