Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late to the Party – God of War


All of the kids these days are talking about this God of War III game.  Every time I read an article about a hack and slash game like Dante’s inferno they talk about how much it reminds them of God of War.  It’s as if God of War is some kind of bench mark for games with big dudes and big swords hitting stuff. 

I never really understood the draw until now.  I always thought of it as a game where you press square over and over and watch stuff die.  I recently borrowed the God of War Collection from a friend and my eyes were opened up.

God of War is more than just a dumb beat-‘em-up.  Hidden behind all of the blood and guts is an awesome set of fighting mechanics, boss fights, weapons and puzzles. 

The first game does look a little dated at in parts where they show an in-engine cut scene, or any time you have a close-up encounter.  But, when you’re fighting in the thick of it, those problems are pretty unnoticeable. 

The scale of some of the environments is very impressive.  I very much enjoyed the scenes where you would see Ares stomping soldiers in the background.  It made the game feel epic as only God of War can. 

The story is kind of thin, but they do everything possible to make Kratos seem like a bad ass.  Kratos is not just bad, he’s actually kind of a jerk off at times.  You will often see him carelessly slaying scared towns folk and there is even a part where you burn a caged soldier to death.  But still we love Kratos, for he is awesome.

So I come back from my adventure an a God of War fan and I am ready to tackle God of War II and soon after God of War III. 

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