Wednesday, February 10, 2010

As You Command, Mighty Megatron…

Transformers_Cybertron_bonusLG-noscaleIt has been revealed that as a bonus for pre-ordering Transformers: War For Cybertron you will get Shockwave as a playable character in the multiplayer mode, “Escalation”.

Sure Shockwave does look pretty sweet.  Am I excited, yes.  Am I overjoyed… No.  I miss the days when you would get some type of tangible swag such as a keychain or t-shirt.  In this day in age we just have to settle for a piece of digital code that unlocks something already living on the game disc you just bought.  And sooner or later they’ll sell it for $1.99 on PSN and everyone will have it. 

But, if the game still looks good close to the release date, you bet I will be putting my money down.


高額バイト said...


イクヨクルヨ said...
